Free Blog CAST - Exploring the Echoes of Atlantis Reviving Ancient Healing for Modern Transformation

Dive into the lost wisdom of Atlantis! Explore how vibrational healing and consciousness from ancient times can transform our modern lives.

In a world where modern medicine often intersects with holistic approaches, the idea of integrating ancient wisdom into contemporary healing practices is not just appealing—it's revolutionary. 

A recent conversation from Kim & Jill sheds light on an innovative system that could redefine how we approach health and wellness.

Quick Clip #1

Scanning for Vibrational Matches – The Next Frontier in Personalized Health

Imagine walking into a practitioner's office and instead of filling out endless forms about your medical history, you're scanned for vibrational matches. 

This isn't science fiction; it’s a potential future for personalized healthcare. 

You see...

By identifying unique vibrational signatures within individuals, practitioners can recommend tailored kits—comprising herbs, supplements, or other remedies—that resonate perfectly with the person’s needs.

The concept goes beyond mere symptom treatment; it addresses the root cause at an energetic level. 

Quick Clip #2

Atlantis Revisited – Learning from High Vibrational Societies

To fully grasp this cutting-edge approach to healing, one must look back to advanced ancient civilizations like Atlantis—a society characterized by high vibrational energy devoid of fear or malicious intent. 

Atlanteans lived in creative freedom without laws because they operated on an elevated plane of consciousness that naturally engendered respect and understanding amongst its people.

These ancients understood something profound about vibrations and their role in health and well-being. 

Quick Clip #3

Full Blog Cast

In this enlightening and entertaining discussion, Kim and Jill bridge past insights with current applications—to use these forgotten techniques as tools for elevating our collective state of being. 

Yes, tune in now to learn more.

Advanced Society

  • Atlantis was a highly advanced civilization with crystal-clear water and abundant crystals
  • Consciousness levels were well-advanced, beyond the concept of fear
  • Society was integrated, whole, and had a great deal of freedom

Technology and Energy Manipulation

  • Atlanteans could read frequencies and manipulate energy
  • Created complex channel systems and vortexes of vibration
  • Experimented with combining gemstones to create new energy patterns

Unintended Destruction

  • The fall of Atlantis was not caused by malicious intent
  • Advanced beings were "playing" with energy, unaware of potential consequences
  • Likened to "building atomic bombs" without knowing the outcome

Lack of Fear and Understanding

  • Atlanteans didn't experience fear during the destruction
  • They understood the frequencies and knew it wasn't intentional malice

Lessons for Current Humanity

  • Current society isn't ready for the level of freedom Atlanteans had
  • We need to develop skills to handle more freedom responsibly
  • The goal is to aim for that level of consciousness and integration

Connection to Present Day

  • Those involved in Atlantis' fall are working together now
  • Current human interactions involve harmful energies and frequencies
  • We've been "exceptionally nasty" to each other for a long time

Path Forward

  • Simplicity is key - "We were never supposed to be in such crisis"
  • Need to move from frustration to fascination
  • Aim to regain the advanced consciousness and integration of Atlantis, but with greater responsibility

Categories: : BlogCast